Allison Technology Corporation

Pico Technology Ltd

Makers of

PC Based Oscilloscopes, Data Loggers and Environmental Monitors



Pico PS-5200 High Performance 250MHz Virtual Instruments
Pico PS-2000 Series Low Cost Virtual Instruments

Virtual Instruments

PC Data Loggers



Pico Technology offers a range of PC based test instruments that offer all the functions of conventional equipment, and also many features not normally available in this price range. Virtual instruments replace bulky and expensive test equipment, saving money and workbench space. They make switching between instruments quick and easy.

Pico Technology virtual instruments are easier to use than traditional instruments: simple to use software and on screen help makes you an expert within minutes. By integrating several instruments (digital oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, multimeter) into one small unit, a virtual instrument is lighter and more portable. When used with a notebook computer, field engineers can carry a complete electronics lab in their PC.

The PC has made computing affordable: now Pico Technology has made test equipment affordable too.


The DrDAQ educational data logger and training instrument offers a fun and low cost method of learning about science and about data collection and processing. DrDAQ can measure temperature, voltage, relative light levels, sound and with optional sensors, can measure time events, PH, and humidity. Dozens of experiments in a variety of scientific areas are available online at pico technology. The DrDAQ is usable for applications from elementary science teaching all the way to commercial data logging applications.

Pico's Enviromon standalone data logger offers a unique enviromental monitoring system. Enviromon can be run totally standalone with an optional data printer or tied to a computer, either directly or remotely through a modem. The computer connection may be full time or part time dialup. Enviromon can measure multiple temperature, humidity and other parameters and these measurement points can be spread over a fairly large area.



For more information on Pico Technology products, including software demos, new software release versions, product manuals and detailed specifications on Pico Technology products, check out their web site at:



CONTACT ATC DIRECT for Pico Pricing and Availability: 800-980-9806


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for Pico Technology Ltd.

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