Allison Technology Corporation

Pico Technology Ltd


DrDAQ Low Cost Data Logger

Designed Especially for Educational Use



A Revolution in Modern Education


DrDAQ is a rather unique product in the data logging area. It is so unique as to have its own page rather than be simply part of the Pico Technology data logger products. Pico Technology even maintains a separate web site for the DrDAQ. In a nutshell, DrDAQ is a very low cost data logging product which includes some built in sensors. External sensors for DrDAQ have identification information so that the PicoLog software can automatically recognize the type of sensor. This makes it very easy for someone, including young school students, to work with this data logger. Despite its ease of use and low cost, it is still quite useful for many commercial applications.

The DrDAQ comes with built in sound, temperature and light sensors and has terminal blocks to access additional voltage input channels. Additionally, there are three sensor input connections, 1 BNC for use with a PH probe and 2 RJ-11 phone style connectors for using a variety of DrDAQ sensors such as additional temperature probes. A terminal block provides one with direct wiring to connect to resistance or voltage measurements.


For Detailed Pico Specifications, See:

Dr DAQ Data Logger with built in sensors - includes oscilloscope and data logging software

For a basic overview See Below:


Optional Accessories include external temperature sensors, pH probe, sensor adapter, a geiger counter, humidity sensor and a magnetic reed switch.

Optional Accessories

External Temperature Probe


pH (acid/base) Meaurement Probe



Sensor Adapter



DrDAQ General Specifications

Input Channels  
7 Internal, 2 External
Sampling Rate 10 to 15,000 samples per second (PC Dependent)
Overload Protection ±30V
Digital Outputs 1 TTL (with 1-3kOhm Output Impedance), 1 LED
Dimensions 55 x 70 x 20mm
Output Connector 25 Way Male D-type to PC parallel port
Supplied software PicoScope, PicoLog and additional software drivers


DrDAQ External Sensor Specification

Sensor Range Resolution Accuracy
pH 0 to 14 0.02pH Calibration dependent
Temperature -10 to 105°C 0.1°C (at 25°C) 0.3°C (at 25°C)
Humidity 20% to 90% RH (Non Condensing)   0.2% RH   ±10%
Reed Switch 0% = closed
100% = open
  -   -


DrDAQ Internal Sensor Specification

Channel Range Resolution Accuracy
Sound waveform ±100 0.2 Not calibrated
Sound level 55 to 100dBA 1dBA 5dBA
Voltage 0 to 5V 5mV 3% of FSD
Resistance 0 to 1MOhm 0.1kOhm (at 10KOhm) 2% (at 100KOhm)
Temperature 0 to 70°C 0.1°C (at 25°C) 2°C (at 25°C)
Light 0 to 100 0.1 Not Calibrated




Virtual Instruments

PC Data Loggers


Pico Technology Page



Prices Ordering ATC Main

For more information on Pico Technology products, including software demos, new software release versions, product manuals and detailed specifications on Pico Technology products, check out their web site at:


For more information on DrDAQ, including experiments, check out the Pico Technology DrDAQ web site at:


CONTACT ATC DIRECT for Pico Pricing and Availability: 800-980-9806


Allison Technology Corporation is a U.S. dealer
for Pico Technology Ltd.