Texas Slow Net

telegraph key image
courtesy FCIT
The Texas Slow Net meets daily at 7:45 PM local time, on 3570 KHz +/- QRM.
TSN is a traffic handling training net. All stations licensed for the frequency are welcome to participate.
TSN is well
suited for operators who are interested in building proficiency in the
International Morse Code and learning about handling procedures in CW traffic
nets. During each session, a traffic handling lesson in the form of a radiogram
is sent to all participants.

TSN is a member of the National Traffic System.
Tips for Learning the Morse Code
- It is most important to learn
Morse Code by sound, and not visually as a series of dots and dashes.
- For your benefit, it is
better if characters are sent rapidly, at about 15 words per minute, with
the spacing between characters adjusted to lower the speed. This prevents
you from trying to count dots and dashes, and is the most effective way to
learn the code by sound.
- Many more tips are available
from the American Radio
Relay League.
Suggestions for Building Proficiency
- Listen to the Code Practice
transmissions on W1AW.
- Set tangible goals for
yourself using the W1AW Qualifying Runs in the ARRL's Code Proficiency Program.
- Participate regularly in NTS
traffic nets. As your speed increases, try the Texas CW Traffic Net.
- Take part in contests and
operating events using CW.
CW Operating
Traffic Handling Aids