Sharpstown Toastmasters - Toastmaster Checklist
- Toastmaster Checklist
I. Starting the week prior to the meeting: Contact the TOPICMASTER and the GENERAL EVALUATOR so you may coordinate the program. Verify your SPEAKERS and INVOCATOR. If you feel you already have sufficient experience with the presentation of regular programs you may wish to confer with the V.P. of Education to discuss a special program, i.e.; debate, theme parliamentary procedure, joint meeting, etc. These special programs increase your own abilities, add welcome variety to the program schedule, and gain points for the club under THE DISTINGUISHED CLUB PLAN.
Review the Appendix portions of the manual: How to Introduce Speakers and How to Lead as Toastmaster of a meeting. Prepare your
As you confirm your SPEAKERS and their assignments inform the GENERAL EVALUATOR so that he may assign the appropriate
EVALUATORS to assist in obtaining the full educational benefits of the evaluation program. Make your PRINTED AGENDA.
II. By Sunday prior to the meeting: your SPEAKERS have discussed with their respective EVALUATORS specific areas and/or special problems for evaluation: All assignments should be filled. The TIMER has been informed of any unusual time requirements. The MASTER HOST has been informed of any unusual seating/arrangements requirements.
III. On the evening of the meeting, arrive early to discuss any final program changes with the GENERAL EVALUATOR, TOPIC MASTER, and TIMER. The following positions have been verified as:
- CHAIRMAN ____________________________ GENERAL EVALUATOR________________________
- INVOCATOR ___________________________ VOTE COUNTER ______________________________
- TOPIC MASTER _________________________ "AH" COUNTER ______________________________
- TIMER _________________________________ GRAMMARIAN _______________________________
IV. 6:50 Program begins by introduction of the TOASTMASTER by the CHAIRMAN.
- · Acknowledge the CHAIRMAN and recognize your audience.
- · Introduce the TOPICMASTER. His program runs 30 minutes.
7:20 Upon completion of TABLE TOPICS, if the TOPICMASTER has not already done so. Request a vote for the BEST
TABLE TOPICS participants. Remind members to vote.
- · Call for a 10 minute break (subject to confirmation by the TIMER that the program is on schedule - the meeting should resume at 7:30 if possible):
- · Request the MASTER HOST to have the tables cleared.
7:30 Introduce each SPEAKER in turn, being careful to give Speech titles, assignment numbers and Speech times clearly.
- · Allow 1 minute between Speeches for completion of EVALUATION FORMS.
- Speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Time . . . . .
- #1 ________________ ________________________ _________________________ __________
- #2 ________________ ________________________ _________________________ __________
- #3 ________________ ________________________ _________________________ __________
- #4 ________________ ________________________ _________________________ __________
8:10 Request from the TIMER the times of the SPEAKERS.
- · Call for a vote for the BEST and MOST IMPROVED SPEAKERS.
- · Introduce the GENERAL EVALUATOR. His program runs 20 minutes.
8:30 Upon completion of the EVALUATION period, if the GENERAL EVALUATOR has not already done so, request a
vote for the BEST EVALUATOR. Request the ballots be passed to the VOTE COUNTER.
- · You may wish to express your appreciation to those who made the program a success.
- · You should return control of the meeting to the CHAIRMAN at 8:35.
8: 35 CHAIRMAN resumes meeting with the presentation of awards.
General Information: You, as TOASTMASTER, should adjust the lengths of the program as necessary in order to operate between the times of 6:50 and 8:35. Some of the speeches require more than 5-7 minutes in order to fulfill the manual project, likewise, some of the evaluations require more than 2 minutes for delivery. Consult the manuals for exact specifications for any speech/evaluation combination. Remember to set the mood for each of your SPEAKERS.
By majority vote of our membership you have been given the option of allowing over or under time speeches to be considered for awards. The Education Committee encourages the philosophy of the time factor of the assignments as an integral portion of the assignments. Consequently, it is our belief that a speech that is not presented within the allocated time fails to fully compete the assignment.
TOASTMASTER _________________________________ DATE ____________________________
* Please return this worksheet, completed to the Educational Vice President.
Sharpstown Toastmaster Club #2243-56
Meeting Agenda for DATE
Theme: Theme for the evening
Opening Ceremony: Name of Toastmaster performing the opening ceremony
Toastmaster: Name of the Toastmaster for the evening (yourself)
Table Topics Master: Name of the Table Topics Master
(Take a 10 minute break here )
Speaker #1: Name of the Speaker
- Title of the speech
- Manual/non-Manual, Basic/Advanced, Speech number
- Speech time
- Speaker #2: Name of the Speaker
- Title of the speech
- Manual/non-Manual, Basic/Advanced, Speech number
- Speech time
- Speaker #3: Name of the Speaker
- Title of the speech
- Manual/non-Manual, Basic/Advanced, Speech number
- Speech time
General Evaluator: Name of the general evaluator
- Evaluators: Name of person to evaluate first speaker
- Name of person to evaluate second speaker
- Name of person to evaluate third speaker
Ah Counter: Name of Ah Counter
Grammarian: Name of grammarian
Timer: Name of timer
Vote Counter: Name of Vote Counter
Cheerleader: Name of Cheerleader
Audio/Video: Name of Audio/Video operator
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Count as of 11/97