Sharpstown Toastmasters - Presiding Officer's Checklist
- Presiding Officer's Checklist
Before the Meeting Starts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Meeting Date: ____/____/____)
· Verify the presence of TOASTMASTER and INVOCATOR.
· Obtain the names of GUESTS and HOST.
· Be sure the flag, club banner, timing lights, stopwatch, ballots, evaluation forms, gavel and trophies are set up.
- I. Call Meeting to ORDER: ("Good evening fellow Sharpstowners, Welcome to club 2243").
- II. INVOCATION and PLEDGE by: _____________________________________________________
- III. Introduction of GUESTS: ___________________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________________________________________
- V. Open the BUSINESS SESSION: ______________________________________________________
- A. Meeting and Reports
- 1. Call for READING of MINUTES
- 2. Ask for APPROVAL of MINUTES
- B. Call for UNFINISHED BUSINESS: _____________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- C. Call for NEW BUSINESS: _____________________________________________________
- 1. Nominations for membership: _____________________________________________
- 2. Other new business: _____________________________________________________
- D. CLOSE the business session
VI. Introduce TOASTMASTER for the evening: ___________________________________________
VII. On conclusion of the program:
- A. Invite COMMENTS from GUESTS
- 1. Invite GUESTS to JOIN giving requirements.
- B. Call for closing ANNOUNCEMENTS.
- C. PROGRAM for next weeks meeting.
- D. INVITE ALL TO COME TO ___________________________________________________
VIII. Declare meeting CLOSED.
Number of MEMBERS present tonight _______________
Number of GUESTS present tonight _________________
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Count as of 11/97