The Sharpshooter for the New Millennium
August, 2000 Newsletter
Yes, a new millennium calls for a new Sharpstown Toastmasters Club Sharpshooter newsletter. This is going to be an exciting addition to our club. Toastmaster Tina Noel has consented to produce our newsletter. Thank you, Toastmaster Noel.
The goals of a club newsletter are to keep members informed of club activities, honor the achievements of club members, provide useful information, and to build camaraderie among the members. If you have an interesting club news item to share, a fun story, or helpful ideas, pass them along to Tina to consider for publication in your newsletter. Yes, this is your newsletter. Get active and help make this newsletter the best ever.
Each month we will list the winners in our club for each week and any special awards received by members. Next month we will be listing the winners for each week. Lets get excited about earning our CTM, ATM and DTM awards. As you work through each lesson in each manual you will see your skills quickly improve. We want to honor your achievements. You worked hard on these goals.
Our Area Governor, Ola Joseph, gave a stirring speech on July 18th urging all of us to work toward earning our Toastmaster degrees. Yes, when we earn our CTM, ATM, or DTM award our club gets points with Toastmasters International. But what do we, as members, get out of this effort?
- We gain new speaking skills
- We have opportunities to practice in a friendly atmosphere
- We gain confidence to take these skills back to our work and civic groups
- We help our fellow members to achieve their goals
by Pat Allison
Club Contest August 15th
Twice a year we have a club contest. It is that time again. We will be having our club contest on August 15th. Winners of that contest will go on to participate in the Area M33 Contest. We have had several of our members continue on to present their speeches at the District 56 level. It is a great way to get extra speaking experiences.
This is our Fall contest and we will be hearing Humorous Speeches and enjoying an Evaluation contest. Get in touch with your VP Education, Ella Rhodes, to get on the list to give a humorous speech or be an evaluator. There are other tasks that need to be filled to make our club contest the best ever.
So, how does this work? Several speakers will compete to give the best humorous speech. Our speakers will be judged by a secret panel of judges made up of Toastmasters from other clubs. The first place winner will then present his/her speech at the Area contest in September. We will also have a real treat. Our Test Speaker will be Toastmaster Kevin Smith, DTM. Kevin is the District 56 governor. Then our club Evaluation contestants will take turns evaluating his presentation. What fun!
The call is out for you, all of you, our club members to get active in this contest. Call Ella now and let her know which contest you will participate in or how you want to help out. It is fun and a great opportunity to test and improve your skills.
Speech Scheduling
Did you see the giant scheduling board that our VP Education, Ella Rhodes, has created for us? This is your chance to pick when you want to participate in club positions. Ella has developed a chart for every week of her administration which shows each speaking position and each officer and functionary position. Guess what? You can write your name in where you want to participate. You better hurry up and sign up before Pat Allison takes all the best jobs.
Promoting Our Club
Our VP Membership/PR, Lisa Weisemann is really serious about promoting and building our club. Sharpstown Toastmasters Club is nearly 40 years old. We have seen boom times and low times and everything in-between. Promoting our club keeps us growing and making opportunities for others to come and develop speaking skills. New members give us a constantly changing audience and helps us to learn more about how our presentations are working with real people.
Not everyone who walks through our doors will become a member of our club, but everyone is part of our audience and a boon to our development.
No one person in the club can do all the tasks needed to make our club successful. Lisa will need people ready and willing to help out on projects. We plan on getting notices into newspapers about our club. Our web page is going to be updated and revived. There are many ways that you can be creative and help out in these things. Did you ever consider calling into a radio station and telling them about our club? Do you want to participate in developing flyers and distributing flyers promoting our club? Have you told your friends about how we are all working together to improve our skills?
July Winners
-------Date-------- |
-------07/25------- |
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Best Speaker |
Renata Nero |
Most Imrpoved |
Rotimi Owoeye |
Best Table Topics |
Ola Joseph |
Best Evaluator |
James Wooten |
Best Officer |
Lisa Weisemann |
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