Sharpstown Toastmasters - General Evaluator's Checklist
- General Evaluator's Checklist
I. Starting the week prior to the meeting: Contact the TOASTMASTER of the evening; Verify your EVALUATORS, TIMER, "AH" COUNTER, VOTE COUNTER, and GRAMMARIAN. As the TOASTMASTER confirms his/her SPEAKERS, assign your EVALUATORS to a specific SPEAKER. Some manual assignments require special evaluators.
II. By Sunday prior to the meeting, all assignments should be filled. Ask the EVALUATORS to confer with the SPEAKERS to discuss special needs/areas of improvement.
III. On the evening of the meeting, arrive early to discuss any program changes with the TOASTMASTER, TOPICMASTER, and TIMER. Advise the SPEAKERS to give the manual to their EVALUATORS and sit near the lectern after the break. Verify that EVALUATION FORMS and BALLOTS have been distributed to the membership. The TIMER should be informed of any unusual time requirements.
Present a written self-introduction to the TOASTMASTER of the evening.
IV. 8:10 The evaluation portion starts by introduction of the GENERAL EVALUATOR.
- 1. Acknowledge the TOASTMASTER and the AUDIENCE.
- 2. If the TOASTMASTER has not already done so, request a vote for the BEST and MOST IMPROVED SPEAKERS.
- 3. Explain the purpose of the EVALUATION session.
- 4. Introduce each EVALUATOR and tell which SPEAKER is being evaluated:
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________ |
________________________ |
Time Needed
___________ |
8:15 Call for a vote for the BEST EVALUATOR
- Call for a report from ________________________________ TIMER
- Call for a report from ________________________________ "AH" COUNTER
- Call for a report from ________________________________ GRAMMARIAN
8:20 Offer a comprehensive evaluation of the entire meeting.
- A. How well did the PRESIDING OFFICER conduct the business session?
- 1. Did he/she start on time?
- 2. Did he/she keep order?
- 3. Was he/she a leader?
- 4. Did he/she introduce the TOASTMASTER properly?
- B. How well did the TOASTMASTER conduct the program?
- 1. Did he/she introduce the TOPICMASTER & SPEAKERS properly?
- 2. Did he/she set the appropriate mood for the speech?
- 3. Did he/she provide for smooth program continuity?
- 4. Did he/she successfully complete all portions of his/her job?
- C. How well did the TOPICMASTER conduct TABLETOPICS?
- 1. Were the topics interesting?
- 2. Were the topics easily understood?
- D. How well did the EVALUATORS fulfill their assignments?
- 1. Were constructive suggestions offered?
- 2. Were any important points missed in the evaluation? Do not re-evaluate.
- E. Was the meeting place properly prepared?
- 1. Were the necessary EVALUATION FORMS, BALLOTS, NAME TAGS, etc. available?
- 2. Were the guests and members greeted properly?
- F. Did each portion stay within the appropriate time limits?
- G. Call for a vote for the BEST OFFICER.
- H. Ask that the ballots and evaluation forms be given to ______________ VOTE COUNTER.
8:25 Return control of the program to the TOASTMASTER.
GENERAL EVALUATOR __________________________ DATE _________
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Count as of 11/97